Installation Info You are now ready to install your new CLIXSOUNDS StartUp Movie. This file is an original CLIXSOUNDS creation and is provided for your use free of charge! To properly install this file for instant use, simply click on the recommended installer icon and drag it to your hard drive's icon, shown in the window. This will install three things: your new StartUp Animation, a preview icon of your StartUp Movie, and an electronic document that contains info on your movie, as well as info on obtaining more great files from CLIXSOUNDS. If you do not wish to install the StartUp Movie into your System Folder, click on the "Other Installations" button at the top of the window and drag the icon to your hard drive's icon. This will simply install the files onto your Desktop. Enjoy your new file, and be sure and visit the CLIXSOUNDS WWW site at . Usage Info This file is an original creation of CLIXSOUNDS. It may be used only for its described intent for usage. It may not be used or altered and used in any way other than its intended use without the written permission of Jeff Click/CLIXSOUNDS. © Jeff Click/CLIXSOUNDS, 1996. File Redistribution This file may be redistributed in its original form, which is through this installer. It may not be altered in any way, or distributed without this installer and its contents. It may be included on any CD-ROM or shareware packages without the written consent of CLIXSOUNDS. CLIXSOUNDS does request a copy of any medias that contain this file for archival purposes. Contact Info You can reach CLIXSOUNDS at: Internet: AOL: CLIXSOUNDS eWorld: CLIXSOUNDS WWW: